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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Day 14 of The Purple Cowboys

copyright: Deborah Bowman

Well, I just finished my 14th day of the 14-day marketing blitz with the 997MakeMoneyNow the Purple Cowboys. I have some lose ends to wrap up this week and then the next step is to just take what I've learned and apply it consistently everyday.

The best part of this is the support that you get. I think that's what is keeping me extremely motivated is that I can speak with my sponsor or Clyde, Brad and Mo at anytime i.e., just last week, Clyde spent about an hour on the phone with me priming me up on the 17 leads I received and how to handle them. I have never experienced such support from any organization in my life!

My sponsor, Lawren is very very motivated, just as I am. I'm so glad to have a sponsor that is as motivated as I am so we are on the same page. She is wonderful. Anytime she finds something that is useful to our business, she lets me know the details. They are always great things and I just follow along. I've shared some very useful information with her also. Some of the sponsors I've had in the past was like having no sponsor at all.

The live training calls are so very beneficial to our businesses and it's all live participation; no muting and just listening. Everyone on the call actually goes to their computers and follows the instructions of the moderator, usually Clyde or Brad. It's actually hands-on training in that you can ask questions right there while you are doing it. In fact, if you don't understand, you can ask the same question 10 times if you want and it will be re-explained 10 times or until everyone gets it.

Don't let me scare anyone into thinking that it's complicated or anything. It really isn't, but if you haven't done some of these things before, you might have questions the first few times. Then everything becomes very familiar and easy.

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